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The Coachman by 
																	Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev

( Russian, 1878 - 1927 )

The Coachman




oil on canvas


38.70 in. (98.30 cm.) (height) by 32.09 in. (81.50 cm.) (width)


signed and dated 'B. Koustodieff/1923' (lower right); with partial artist's label (on the stretcher)


New York, Grand Central Art Galleries, The Russian Art Exhibition, 1924, no. 419 (label on the stretcher). Harbin, Tokyo and Aomori, Peredvizhnaia vystavka sovetskogo iskusstva v Iaponii [A travelling exhibition of Soviet art in Japan], 1926-1927. Leningrad, State Russian Museum, Proizvedeniia Kustodieva [Kustodiev's art], 1928, no. 205 (with number and inscription on the stretcher). Moscow, Pushkin Fine Museum of Arts, Posmertnaia vystavka proizvedenii B.M. Kustodieva [Posthumous exhibition of B. M. Kustodiev's oeuvre], 1929, no. 36. Moscow, Tsentral'nii Dom Rabotnikov Iskusstv SSSR [Central House of Labourers in Art in the USSR], Vystavka proizvedenii russkogo iskusstva kontsa XIX i nachala XX vekov [Exhibition of Russian art of the late XIX and early XX centuries], 1957. Moscow, Russian Academy of Arts, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. 1878-1927, 1960 (label on the stretcher).


Exhibition catalogue, The Russian art exhibition, New York, 1924, illustrated no. 419, listed p. [38]. 'The World of Art: The Russians and Others', New York Times, 9 March 1924. . V. Voinov, B. M. Kustodiev, Leningrad, 1925, listed p. 87 as 'Izvozchik'. Exhibition catalogue, Proizvedeniia Kustodieva [Kustodiev's art], Leningrad, 1928, no. 205. Exhibition catalogue, Posmertnaia vystavka proizvedenii B.M. Kustodieva [Posthumous exhibition of B. M. Kustodiev's oeuvre], Moscow, 1929, no. 36 as 'Likhach'. Exhibition catalogue, Vystavka proizvedenii russkogo iskusstva kontsa XIX i nachala XX vekov [Exhibition of Russian art of the late XIX and early XX centuries], Moscow, 1957. M. Etkind, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, Leningrad-Moscow, 1960,. listed p. 204 as 'Likhach. Exhibition catalogue, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, Moscow, 1960, listed p. 58. V. Lebedeva, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, Moscow, 1966, p. 49. B. Kustodiev, M. Etkind (ed.) and B. Kapralov (ed.), Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. Pisma. Stati, zametki, interviu. Vstrechi i besedy s B. M. Kustodievym. Vospominaniia o khudozhnike. [Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. Letters. Articles, notes, interviews. Meetings and conversations with B. M. Kustodiev. Recollections about the artist.], Leningrad, 1967, pp. 257-258 as 'Izvozchik'. I. Grabar, Pisma. 1917-1941 [Letters. 1917-1941], Moscow, 1977 pp. 109, 333, 342. V. Lebedeva, Boris Kustodiev: The artist and his work, Moscow, 1981, p. 53 as Cabman. M. Etkind, Boris Kustodiev, Moscow, 1982, illustrated p. 207, listed pp. 206, 232, 451 as 'Likhach. M. Etkind, Boris Kustodiev, New York, Leningrad, 1983, illustrated pl. 122 as A smart driver.


Iulia Evstafievna Kustodieva (inscription on the slip). Acquired from the above by Peter Kapitza (1894-1984) in 1936. By direct descent to the present owner.



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